Emotional Freedom Technique

This EFT process is easy to learn in person or via email EFT therapy works on the theory that the cause of negative emotion is a disruption in the energy system. It has been shown tohelp in the release of emotional patterns that are no longer necessary. As you identify the emotions you wish to release you will be guided in tapping on certain meridian points of the body while you repeat the emotion and an affirmation, this has been shown to alter the body's energy field therefore help restoring it to balance. This can help to eliminate the patterns that can stir feelings of fear, pain and even cause illness.
This resolution may occur in minutes, or it may take longer depending on the depth of the problem. EFT tapping has been proven to be extremely effective in most instances and works on nearly everything from losing weight to dealing with fear of heights. Physical ailments begin to diminish. It has been found that emotional issues such as depression, guilt and fears have also been helped.
EFT complements many healing modalities. For long distance sessions, you will be guided through the procedure and will be tapping on the following points on the body:
1. Tapping the side of hand-at the karate chop point below little finger with side of index finger of other hand
2. Alongside the eyebrow, where the brow starts, on the bone of the eye socket
3. On the side of eye, near the bone bordering the outside corner of the eye
4. Under the eye, the bone that forms the lower eye socket
5. Under the nose, between the nose and the top of the upper lip
6. Under the lip, in the indentation between the lower lip and nose
7. Collar bone, where the beginning of the collar bone meets the breastbone
8. Under the arm, the side of the body, at a point even with the nipple on a man or where the bra strap runs on a woman
This resolution may occur in minutes, or it may take longer depending on the depth of the problem. EFT tapping has been proven to be extremely effective in most instances and works on nearly everything from losing weight to dealing with fear of heights. Physical ailments begin to diminish. It has been found that emotional issues such as depression, guilt and fears have also been helped.
EFT complements many healing modalities. For long distance sessions, you will be guided through the procedure and will be tapping on the following points on the body:
1. Tapping the side of hand-at the karate chop point below little finger with side of index finger of other hand
2. Alongside the eyebrow, where the brow starts, on the bone of the eye socket
3. On the side of eye, near the bone bordering the outside corner of the eye
4. Under the eye, the bone that forms the lower eye socket
5. Under the nose, between the nose and the top of the upper lip
6. Under the lip, in the indentation between the lower lip and nose
7. Collar bone, where the beginning of the collar bone meets the breastbone
8. Under the arm, the side of the body, at a point even with the nipple on a man or where the bra strap runs on a woman